National Award winning actor Dhanush has come across as an example for viral marketing, after the craze that his Kolaveri song created worldwide. The track was penned and crooned by the Tamil hero for his soon-to-be-released movie '3', helmed by his director-wife Aishwarya and hitting the theatres in Tamil and Telugu simultaneously on April 13.
Such was his popularity that the 21 films old matinee idol was invited to Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) on Tuesday. "Gearing up to make my speech at IIM institute ahmedabad tom.I don’t know good English, but who cares. I'm an Indian. not English. Hehe," Dhanush tweeted about the invite.
The actor delivered hour-and-a-half long lecture regarding the success story of his 'soup song', its viral marketing and social media to about 130 students of Contemporary Film Industry course at the IIM-A.
He was accompanied by cousin and music director Anirudh Ravichander. The musical rendition became a raging success with over 10 million downloads online. The IIMs have since been treating it as a classic example of viral marketing and included as a case study for its students.
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