So Adobe made a huge revelation today, saying it plans to launch a web-based version of Photoshop within six months. The free, ad-supported site will compete with PXN8, Fauxto, Picture2Life, Picnik, Preloadr, Snipshot (formerly Pixoh) and other online photo apps covered here in the past.
Adobe says the tools on offer will be low-end, and surely the app will be substantially less powerful than the desktop version, but they still plan to exceed the current offerings on the market. It’ll be Photoshop-branded, according to the CNET article that appears to have broken the story, because that brand power will give Adobe an advantage over Google’s Picasa and other potential rivals.
What’s more, we know that Adobe has the ability to build killer apps along these lines using Adobe Flex: it already worked on Adobe Remix, a video remixing tool that’s being used by Photobucket. Adobe has also said that it wants to create more hybrid apps that go between the desktop and the web.
It’s a surprising - although not totally unexpected - revelation that proves the endless possibilities of Adobe’s Macromedia acquisition. It’ll also give those online photo editors something to worry about.